Feng Shui has always been an area of considerable interest for many people, even finding its place as a mandatory course in universities across Asia, emphasizing the importance of time, space, and people. Let's delve into it today.
There are ten factors that shape everyone's life, ranked by significance: fate, luck, Feng Shui, merit, education, name, physiognomy, respect for the divine, influential connections, and health!
So, what exactly is Feng Shui? Fate and luck determine life's height, while Feng Shui determines its breadth! (hint of Asia provides destiny reading services).
For instance: suppose an individual possesses a wealthy fate categorized into three levels: millions, tens of millions, or hundreds of millions. If this person lives in an environment with good Feng Shui, their wealth might soar to eighty or ninety million. However, residing in an area with poor Feng Shui might limit their wealth to just ten or twenty million.
While fate cannot be altered, luck can be transformed through Feng Shui. Finding the beneficial Five Elements energy is the beginning of good Feng Shui.
Click here to embark on your quest for the Five Elements.
(Relationship between Feng Shui and individuals)
(Converting Chinese text to English?) (Feng Shui representative directional chart) (Feng Shui and the Book of Changes)